Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • Abstract
    Sep 7, 07:35 PM
    George Bush doesn't care about black people, but STEVE DOES!

    *Kanye hugs Steve*

    Take a photo.
    Print the advert.

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  • brogers
    Sep 9, 04:07 PM
    That's so sad. Kanye stood up and put himself on the line by expressing something that needed to be said. America "the land of the free, say whatever you want, unless it upsets people" Kanye West has made himself a hero to all the people that were stranded on their rooftops, by directly challenging the administration, in a way that was blatant and obvious. No beating around the BUSH "He doesn't care about any of YOU" Bush didn't cut his vacation short for a few days into the tradgedy, Personally I think Bush is the anti-Christ and I am so glad that I got the hell out of the States and moved (right after he got re elected)

    Those football fans are pathetic, If all those fans had the balls to do what Kanye did.....

    it's a sad day to be an NFL fan. too bad i am one of them, but I would have been applauding as loud as I could.

    This is unbelievable. A hurricane comes through, wipes out a city built in a bowl with thousands of people that were poor and black left stranded and that equates into Bush hating black people. We were unprepared at all levels to deal with this. Shame on us. If Tim Mcgraw had used his speaking moment to shout "those people should also help themselves" he would be crucified. I'm not ashasmed that our country was unprepared to deal with this, I'm ashamed that our country has shown the world that it is easier to call names and and blame our president. Never mind the millions of Americans that have stepped up to offer help and support. It must be easier to stand up on television and use your status to make bold statements that simply are not true. Also, if that mayor was white and sent thousands of people to the superdome with no supplies and no plan....there would be no need to blame the president....blame would go no further than right there....He should be taking the heat too.

    But wait. What I'm saying is not politically correct.....BS

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  • ipedro
    Jan 9, 12:20 PM
    Keynote Stream Available Live On Cnn Pipeline.

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  • powers74
    Apr 16, 03:04 PM
    You can see that the iPhone text is not aligned in this pic.

    Yes, but his analysis shed no light on that fact and actually made the rendering - if you were to assume his perspective was correct - look lit it was some sort of parallelogram. It made no sense.

    animated wallpaper for mobile. Title: animated wallpapers
  • Title: animated wallpapers

  • maflynn
    Apr 17, 06:08 AM
    That's a pretty sick OS. I haven't ever run Fedora on a computer of mine, but my uncle swears by it. That video has convinced me to run it on my next box.

    I like fedora over ubuntu. I haven't run fedora for a while, I think I'll take second look when the new version comes out.

    animated wallpaper for mobile. Title: animated wallpapers
  • Title: animated wallpapers

  • roadbloc
    Apr 11, 08:07 AM
    What are those features?

    What is that 'UI'?

    What kind of usability?
    Aero Snap. The new superbar. Expandable start menu. The Office ribbon. Stable as a rock OS. Just to name a few.

    I agree with Maflynn. Where as Vista was rather dire, Windows 7 beats Snow Leopard. Only by a fraction, which is why I'm still happy using Snow Leopard, but it is still better. Windows has matured considerably, whereas OS X still feels a little juvenile like XP does.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 07:17 AM
    How come people still keep picking up on this point, it surprises me, especially from a developer. A larger screen doesn't necessarily mean problems for apps, a change in resolution does. That, coupled with the previous rumors of a bigger screen with the same resolution mean that if this is true, it doesn't make any difference to developers because there will be the same number of pixels in the screen. All it means is that everything will be very slightly bigger.

    I think anyone claiming to be a developer and thinking screen size has anything to do with fragmentation is quite hilarious and shows the quality of some iOS developers.

    It's exactly like you say, if you assumed a certain resolution when coding your app, only a change in resolution affects you. Screen size means nothing, it's all about the pixels. 960x640 is the same whether it is on a 3.5" screen or a 4" screen for a developer.

    If the iOS frameworks were more resolution independent, this wouldn't even matter. PC/Mac/Web developers have had to cope with multitudes of different resolutions for years and you don't hear them whining about it.

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  • JML42691
    Oct 4, 08:21 AM
    Wow, can't believe I only first heard about this now. As much as that may seem comical to them, I believe that just about any expo that they might attend they should be banned from. That was just completely cruel to make people's presentations harder (or even impossible if it depended only on displays), and to essentially shut down a major aspect of the expo.

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  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:26 AM
    Man, I always wait till after midnight to check for new music that gets released on Tuesdays. Now that Apple has gone and changed my life in some inconceivable way again, I'll have to wait till this afternoon to get my new album fix from them.

    Yea, there was an album that just came out today that I was seriously contemplating purchasing. I even found it this morning before the store went down.

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  • brepublican
    Nov 16, 12:38 PM
    Digitimes = wrong, always wrong.

    Indeed, this should be taken with the dash of salt it deserves... i.e. a tablespoon full

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  • Coolerking
    Sep 12, 08:37 AM
    Yes, you can dream. Dream it you ********** dreamers.

    LOL! Nice

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  • Melrose
    Mar 9, 08:15 AM
    Yes, and you don't have to look too far to find examples of that ;)

    ...well in that case it sure puts a new perspective on presidential elections w/ mass hysteria.

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  • kuwisdelu
    Apr 12, 05:43 PM
    Neither iLife nor Office are part of the OS, so why are we comparing them anyway?

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  • demallien
    Oct 4, 02:11 AM
    I actually work as a programmer for a DRM provider. Here's what our legal wonks have told us with regards to the DCMA:

    1) If we want our player to be able to read files protected by a competitor's DRM, we are entitled to do so. This means that if we had a new iPod-killing mp3 player, we would be legally within our rights to reverse engineer iTunes to crack the DRM, and then re-implement the same algorithm in our own player (it would have to be cleanroom reverse engineering of course, but that's for IP reasons, not the DCMA)

    2) However, our player must not give the user more rights than the original player. So, we can't provide an option to rip to mp3 for example. All we can really offer is another player, or, at the absolute limit, a convertor that removes FairPlay DRM, and replaces it with ours (or another provider's). The new DRM should provide exactly the same restrictions on copying/transferring of files as the original. The legal eagles tell us that this last bit is really a bit too grey at the moment to be safe, so we would be better off restricting ourselves to just a player.

    This of course makes liars of all those people that spread FUD about the DCMA and DRM in general. All DRM is crackable, and the provisions in the DCMA make it legal to do so, if the reason for doing so does not infringe fair-use....

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  • Aperture
    Jan 15, 09:51 PM
    As others have said, it may have been funny for one time on the big wall of TVs. Definitely not at a live presentation.

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  • maflynn
    Apr 8, 11:11 AM
    Actually, it depends on what you use your computer for, what your expectations are, and where your priorities lie.

    You can say that about any consumer product.
    Speaking in general terms, MS has added more to windows, improved performance and reduced the bloat with win7.

    Apple has gone the opposite direction, adding bloat and no major feature since 10.5

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Mar 13, 04:23 PM
    To say that Apple innovates anything these days is disingenuous, at best.

    What Apple does is define what is stylish and chic. This isn't a negative thing, however. Style is very important because a poorly designed product can be a pain to use and doesn't make us feel good about our purchases.

    There are a host of innovators across the tech world, but Apple isn't one of them. If I want to find the next building material or breakthrough mechanism, I'm certainly not going to look at Apple.

    On the other hand, if I want to find the one company that is going to take existing technology and make it stylish, sleek, easy to use, and generally fun to use, then I look squarely at Apple.

    No matter how frustrated I become with some of Apple's choices (for example, why can't I have a matte mbp without a custom order like I could a few years ago?), I must admit that its products are always beautiful and much easier to use than others on the market.

    That's really where Apple's strength lies. Other companies haven't figured out how to "un-techhead" their product lines.

    Can you say just one company that seems to capture the needs/desires as Apple has?

    I don'y see lines for the latest Droid phone or pad...

    Like it or not of late; Apple knows how do things right...

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  • kiljoy616
    Jul 22, 11:59 PM
    Annoyed by Apple? I'm sure Apple is annoyed by all the people who are saying that Apple doesn't know how to make phones, especially when the problem they're getting flak from is also reproduced on other phones just as easilly, but no other companies are getting **** on by the public and media for also having this issue? Why is it ONLY Apple that gets dumped on?

    Because we love Apple and just use Nokia phones, who cares about BlackBerry, except when someone with a patent almost shut them down completely in America. In the end Apple with ONE ONLY PHONE MODEL IS DOING INCREDIBLE, who can say the same?

    Iphone 4 is not perfect but it sweet that for sure! :D

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  • charlituna
    Apr 8, 02:30 PM
    I realize this is a rumor site, but posting conflicting rumors in the same day is getting obnoxious. Is there ANY fact checking at all?

    MacRumors always checks their facts. How dare you suggest otherwise. And it is a fact that TechCrunch posted a story that said . ..

    Best Buy = Worst Buy.. I hold my opinion that they are worst buy.

    I don't have a problem with Best Buy per se. Just some of their sales people and store managers. They are undertrained for what they are talking about (so what is the Z12q rating on this Mac again?) or just way pushy about their Geek Squad etc.

    My way around there is to go in to window shop and then I price check around and if it turns out that Best Buy has the best price I'll order online for in store pick up and avoid the floor staff. A win all the way around

    Jan 4, 12:29 PM
    It's January 4th and no sign of the Verizon iPhone. Oh well, there's always next year.

    Aug 7, 05:48 PM
    The new educational pricing of the 23" makes it $899 now. That makes it much closer to the dell 24" price. Somewhere in the future (most likely far :p ) I want to buy a big display to go with my powerbook and use with my photography. I thought that display would be the 24" dell because the cinema was way more $$. However now, it's a much closer competition...

    May 3, 09:49 PM
    I'll buy one when it gets a capacitive pressure based screen/stylus (Like the HTC Flyer)

    And I'll buy one when it comes with dual fold-out screens in a**-kicking neon colors and a choice of animal stripes, lightning bolts or fire emblems, and is sold at Wal-mart in shrink-wrapped packaging for $9.99 and has commercials featuring hot girls in bikinis jumping on a trampoline.

    In other words, we're both out of luck.

    Apr 16, 10:07 AM
    A quick read through this thread is proof of why I normally don't bother reading or posting here.

    Almost everyone has posted that they feel the next iPhone could look something like this...

    ...which is completely ridiculous based on logic and common sense. But it has been my experience that Macrumors forums and "logic" and "common sense" cannot exist in the same place at the same time.

    Memory also seems to be a problem around here. For example, Apple's breakthrough smartphone that changed phones for forever, was completely and totally redesigned after its first year, because the design was incredibly flawed.

    To not understand the significance of this, is really to forfeit your opinion on what Apple will or will not do. You CANNOT logically state that Apple would return to an aluminum iPhone (no matter how sexy it might look), after having already moved away from it.

    2 straight years, the iPhone 3G and 3GS have unibody plastic design. The SAME one. This is not a coincidence, or laziness, or any other 4th grade opinion....its what the iPhone is. It's not going to change.

    The most Apple will do with the design, is make it a little taller to accommodate more pixels, but the design will remain. They may offer a few more colors, or they may not.

    Plastic, Unibody iPhones are here to stay. To state otherwise, is to fantasize, and ignore reality. (which is fine, just acknowledge it please).

    Jan 5, 02:49 PM
    It's awesome not having spoilers. I think I'll watch the keynote oldschool this year.

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