Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dodge Challenger 1970 Black

Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. 1970#39;s Dodge Challenger.
  • 1970#39;s Dodge Challenger.

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 11:34 AM
    I am inland of two, on the shores of Lake Ontario, one East one West, both at ~20 miles.

    BUT, the prevailing wind is from the North-West, so Rochester, Northern New York will probably get the fallout.

    Candu reactors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CANDU_reactor) are reasonably safe.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A
  • 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A

  • heyisa
    Sep 20, 11:53 AM
    I'd rather wait for a mac mini w/iTV combo,
    that would allow you to stream Bonjour content as well.
    (could you imagine that in a dorm network!).
    I think the second generation of this will be awesome, if apple does it screw it up.

    I hope you could also use it as a seperate monitor for a computer.
    Would make it really easy to hook up a computer to a projector that way.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T - LE
  • 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T - LE

  • spipenge
    Jun 7, 06:35 PM
    So, there I was...two dropped calls in the span of 10 minutes. I called AT&T's "customer service". I get an actual tech support person on the phone who gives me a bit of what I have to believe was unintentional honesty. In my area of New York City, the AT&T tech person said, there were 7 towers. Three were completely out. One was experiencing 50% degradation. The AT&T "tech support" person told me that there was no date when they expected the three towers to be restored. So...it's hardly a wonder I barely have a signal in my neighborhood, I received dropped calls and the 3G network is downloading at a whopping 678kbps. Way to go AT&T.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. Black Dodge Challenger
  • Black Dodge Challenger

  • Sounds Good
    Apr 10, 11:06 AM
    If you are happy with windows stick with it. if you don't "have" to switch because you need a specifitc application, just don't do it. It's not "THAT MUCH" better as everyone wants to make you believe.
    Ya know what? This is good advice. After doing a LOT of thinking about this, I realize that I'm probably best off sticking with Windows.

    When it comes right down to it, I'm really just "curious" about trying a Mac. I don't actually have a particular reason, and I don't have any problems with Windows (believe it or not).

    It looks like both operating systems have a few advantages and both operating systems have their share of annoyances. Truth is, I'm having a hard time finding a real advantage to switching.

    If I were starting out today I'd most likely go with a Mac. But I'm an old dude, not a kid. I'm very comfortable with Windows and I really LIKE certain things about it. In fact, the first thing I'd do on a Mac is try to set it up so the Dock works just like the Start button in Windows. A rational person would have realized long ago that this is crazy. If I want a Mac to work like Windows I should just use Windows. Duh. But my curiosity along with the attractive cosmetic looks of the Mac got the best of me.

    I won't lie, I'll forever be curious about "the other side"... but in my case I think I'd just be asking for a lot of headaches figuring out how to do all of these things differently than I'm used to.


    Thanks to everyone that helped by adding your thoughts, I really appreciate it. And since I can't be the only one out there with similar feelings maybe this thread will help them too. Some will choose to switch to Mac, some will choose to stick with Windows.

    And that's the way it goes. :)

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. 1970 Dodge Challenger
  • 1970 Dodge Challenger

  • janstett
    Sep 12, 05:46 PM
    Ah, now this is what I've been waiting for: the Airport Express for video, plus a little bit more. If it were shipping today, I'd high-tail it to the Apple Store and buy one. But given a few months to think about the $299 price tag, we shall see if that feeling holds up.

    These types of devices have existed for years (UPnP Digital Media Adapters). I wonder if this will be UPnP compatible, probably not -- Rendevous pretty much a UPnP alternative.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T SE
  • 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T SE

  • Multimedia
    Oct 19, 10:53 AM
    Yeah... Kinda disappointing. Although, my 3D rendering work will benefit just fine from them as while it's CPU intensive, it's not bandwidth hungry and the software itself isn't all that great for thread scheduling, so it's better to run multiple software instances for each CPU/core. I'm curious to see how the Clovertowns compare to the upcoming AMD quad-core chips, which have full 4-way shared data pipe and L2 cache. I think it's going to be just like the AMD X2 vs. the Pentium-D all over again. AMD will hold the quad-core performance title until Intel releases their 45nm process chips with all 4 cores being fully linked. But such is the way it's been for the last few years, AMD and Intel continue to play leap-frog. Which is great for the consumer as it drives CPU tech ahead so fast... Too bad my wallet can't keep up. :(I wonder if one of the Leopard "Top Secrets" is Core Control so we may assign how many cores for each applicaiton we know can use more than one.

    This product may be one of the most anticipated by me in my entire 22 years with Mac. I really can't wait for it to ship. Going from Two to Four then Eight Cores in less than one year, and not just for show but for really finding a need and honestly needing all that additional horsepower, - only since February '06 for me - is a pretty amazing technological leaping experience. :)

    My 30" Dell arrives tomorrow, Friday October 20. Whoopie! Mac Pro 8-Core Ready, Willing & Able. Retiring my 27" Sony KV-27XBR45 CRT made in July 1997 from the office today. One less tube down. Can see the end of CRTs in the distance now. Only one 20" SONY CRT TV left in the office. Using EyeTV Hybrids to replace all TVs in the house.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. Dodge Challenger Black On
  • Dodge Challenger Black On

  • liketom
    Sep 20, 02:09 AM
    to make this work better and for apple to take the number 1 slot of internet download movies - they need an TV ad like the mac/pc ones

    movie trailer then apple text - jack Sparrow+ Apple - download from $12.99 - iTunes store. simple infact i just made one as a looksy

    Apple might also do well in selling the DVD + download for $19.99 - 24.99 as an option.

    they have proved this concept works with the 125k downloads in 1 week now they need to feed people with movies for there iTV device


    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. 1970 Dodge Challenger Black
  • 1970 Dodge Challenger Black

  • Jcoz
    Mar 18, 11:55 AM
    I hate how these carriers work in the US.

    If you give us a data allowance, that is what you give us - regardless of how we use it.

    If you were giving us unlimited data, then I could understand why you would be charging for tethering. But that would go bad anyways.

    I agree.

    I completely understand the idea that unlimited data should have to pay for tethering, although I think there should just be a cap prior to additional charges like verizon does.

    What I dont understand is how they think charging tiered data customers for tethering is fair.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. modified Dodge Challengers
  • modified Dodge Challengers

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 12:31 PM
    Wow. A bit shortsighted aren't we? (And the Apple pom-pom squad is out in force today).

    Don't you see that all the iOS success does is point out to the Board that OSX isn't where it's at and more resources will keep going to iPads and iPhones?

    If you're a mac user is this really what you want?

    They didn't delete the word "computer" from the Apple name for nothing.

    Why you would be surprised at seeing Apple supporters on a site that is designed for Apple supporters is something for you to discuss with your logic professor. But as for your iOS/Mac argument, I sincerely doubt we will see OS X around ten years from now. I hope we don't. I want Apple to keep innovating, and that means advancement and change over time. So what I hope happens is that the parts of iOS that make sense for OS X get included, and the parts of OS X that make sense for iOS get included, and eventually we'll be talking about something brand new that makes them both look old.

    As a Mac user, that's what I really want. I'd hate to see stagnation.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. my 1970 Dodge Challenger!
  • my 1970 Dodge Challenger!

  • mpstrex
    Aug 30, 11:36 AM
    And don't forget, Groovey, that only a small percentage of Americans are considered more of the hard-line political peeps.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. 1970 Dodge CHallenger R/T 440
  • 1970 Dodge CHallenger R/T 440

  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 26, 12:04 AM
    Are you serious? That's a horrible thing to say. They should deprive themselves of sex because your 2000 year old book says so? That's crap. God made them born that way, for what? Just to torture them for their whole lives? I hope you understand that this makes no sense. And as for the catholic church recognizing that they are born that way and do not choose it, that's a load of crap. If you believe that, then you are seriously misguided. If god is so loving, wouldn't he have made them born heterosexual so they could live a normal life and have sex with members of the opposite gender? Why would god make someone gay? Your logic is so flawed im having a hard time expressing myself in words.

    Priests can't even follow their vows of chastity yet they expect it of Catholic lay people too�divorcees and homosexuals. Never worked, never will.

    Lay people, snicker.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. Dodge Challenger Black And
  • Dodge Challenger Black And

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 14, 04:34 PM
    Does a partial melt-down equate with being a little bit pregnant?

    of course things could still go South, but hopefully they won't

    Inscrutable cat says

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. 1970 Dodge Challenger Black.
  • 1970 Dodge Challenger Black.

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 9, 06:32 AM
    This comes at the same time that the Guardian reports that a Admob survey shows interesting results as far as tablet use :

    Research finds that 84% of tablet owners are playing games (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/appsblog/2011/apr/08/tablets-mainly-for-games-survey)

    Was Steve wrong about tablets afterall ? They aren't the cars while the laptops/desktops are the trucks, tablets are the ATVs and motorcycle and laptops/desktops remain entrenched as the daily commuters...

    Is the tablet replacing the traditional portable gaming system like the Nintendo DS, PSP more than it is the PC ?

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. and old Dodge Challengers
  • and old Dodge Challengers

  • shelterpaw
    Jul 11, 10:15 PM
    I wonder if this will be good enough to cut my 4k footage off my yet to purchase red camera. How ever I think the quad g5 would be enough.What's a g5? :p

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. Dodge Challenger 1970 Black
  • Dodge Challenger 1970 Black

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 22, 10:55 PM
    or vice versa for that matter.

    Good point.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. Front left lack 1970 Dodge
  • Front left lack 1970 Dodge

  • FSUSem1noles
    Mar 18, 08:13 AM
    Bye, Bye, MyWi and TetherMe...

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. The Challenger was offered
  • The Challenger was offered

  • CaoCao
    Apr 22, 08:00 PM
    This makeup of this forum's members intrigues mean slightly. Why are most of the posters here Atheists? Is it part of the Mac using demographic, the Internet in general's demographic, or are Atheists just the most interested in Politics, Religon, and Social Issues?

    iz cald teh interwebz, der r lotz ov werd peplz hre.

    The internet has a lot of anarchists too, they typically think they are one of the few people who have broken free of the slave mindset of their country

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. dodge challenger 1970. more
  • dodge challenger 1970. more

  • macUser2007
    Feb 22, 05:37 PM
    The iPhone is great, IMO.

    BUT, Android 2+ is getting to be a real contender. Donut may just be the one to take it to the next level. Notably, the new Androids have not been cheap clones, but rather well-thought out, feature-rich sets, like the Nexus One. With AMOLED screens larger than the iPhone's and robust hardware (e.g. better on-board GPS than the iPhone), I wouldn't be surprised if they take market-share aware from the iPhone.

    I also think the "killer app" for the general population will be Flash, when it becomes available on the new sets. Suddenly, the iPhone will be the only large screen smartphone without access to the the full web.

    For the iPad the lack of Flash will be a much larger problem. There are a bunch of tablets coming out, some sporting Android 2.x, all of which will run full Flash, and be able to access the full web. On larger screens, mobile versions of major sites suck, and some do not work at all.

    And the general consumers don't really care when some sweaty geek foams at the mouth how much he hates Flash. They just want to be able to see all of the web, in its full Flash glory.

    Dodge Challenger 1970 Black. 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T
  • 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 12, 05:29 PM

    your thinking is exactly why most pc's suck, dell ect choose components that are "good enough" or choose some unsuitable cpu because it sounds fast, woodcest makes the most sense to go into the mac pro, conroe into the imac merom into the mbp simple as.

    just because something is not for you does not mean how you want it is how it should be, your a kid who likes playing with pc hardware and likes components with "big numbers" and overclockability, and while a quad would be wasted on you it'd be great for people who actually buy mac pro's/powermacs.

    you give pc users a bad name it's not the other way around.

    Oh and Apple dosen't go to Samsung and Micron for it's ram like everyone else , or Pioneer/Toshiba/Matsushita for the DVD Burner , how bout Maxtor/Seagate for the Hard drives , Apple dosen't go to Samsung/LGPhillips for it's LCD Panels just like Dell and HP. now Intel for it's CPU/NorthBridge chipsets. c'mon it called a con they all shop at the same store dude. Newegg..lol

    the only thing Apple about ur mac will be the Pretty case and OSX. Other then that it's just another PEECEE.

    Oct 26, 11:09 AM
    I am pretty excited about this, because if i read it right...

    the new mac pro's will possibly come out at the same price point's as the higher end model's.

    which when these come out... would mean that the ones out now may DROP in price. hey just a thought. a good one :p

    Thats what i'm worried about!!! Ahhhhh!!! guess i can always wait a month and pay my 250 dollar restock!

    Mar 14, 09:19 AM
    A voice of reason (read the whole thing):


    What I would like to say, better than I can say it. Awesome :D

    Regarding the ship-- it is my understanding that the amount of radiation they received was one months worth of background radiation. Often people forget how low this can actually be... we're not talking rem, we're talking mrem-- you get more radiation from living in a house with radon, medical imaging, or flying on planes, just to name a few.

    Apr 21, 05:33 AM
    Except for the inferior interface, battery life, apps and usability you mean.. Otherwise they are exactly the same!

    Lol ...
    Exactly :D

    So wait, you don't own a Mac or an iDevice but you post here constantly?

    Eheheh, he's not the only one.
    There is a specific term to define people like him on a forum ;)

    Mar 26, 01:13 AM
    "church" is more like wherever-the-Hell-you-want.

    The governments job is enforcing the will of the people because it derives its power from consent of the govered

    The Constitution of the United States forbids tyranny of the majority by denying the government the power to deprive anyone of liberty without a compelling state interest in doing so. A powerful majority may not simply outlaw an unpopular minority.

    Sep 20, 01:13 PM
    My thoughts on the hard-drive are very similar to "adamflip's" and "chromos's" in that it's simply a way to get around the video streaming limitations of the 802.11g protocol.

    If you've got a movie sitting on your iMac in one room and it can simply transfer the iTunes video file to the iTV in the living room then the iTV could begin playback in a fairly short period of time while it caches the remainder of the movie to the iTV HD during playback. Voila - streaming problem solved.

    I'm presuming that all the functionality to stream music (i.e. - airport express like...) will be incorportaed into the device and that no data other than that which is cached to it will be stored on the hard-drive. In other words, you won't store movies, music, etc. on the iTV - you'd continue to do that via your desktop Mac and manage them in iTunes.

    I, personally, could care less about any DVR functionality as my HD cable-box already provides me with this functionality.

    What I would love to see is DVD playback so that this box could essentially replace my existing DVD player in my home theater system.

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